Six Great Stories for Veterans’ Day

Group of Veterans
Image Credit: Craig Adderley via Pexels

Happy Veterans’ Day! In honor of our national holiday for war veterans, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite past features about military heroes.

Happy Veterans’ Day! In honor of our national holiday for war veterans, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite articles about military heroes. Please check them out and share them with the veterans you love!

Amazing Heroes of the United States Military
Read the stories of war heroes like the Tuskegee Airmen and Sgt. Merlin German, a courageous burn victim.

Army Veteran Brendan Marrocco Is First Quadruple Amputee to Survive—and Thrive
Brendan Marrocco, a soldier who served in Iraq, came back as a quadruple amputee. Despite his disabilities, he is full of joy and moving on with his life

Soldier Reunited with the Dog Who Saved His Life
After a dog named Rufus helped fend off a suicide bomber, Sgt. Chris Duke decided to bring him home.

The Amazing Christmas Ceasefire
During World War I, British and German soldiers put down their weapons to celebrate the holiday spirit together, in a remarkable event known as “the Christmas Truce.”

Code Talkers: The Secret Heroes of World War II
During World War II, a small group of Native American tribesmen were entrusted with translating the Allied troops’ secret messages into a secret code based on their own native languages.

Video Montage of Soldiers’ Surprise Reunions with Family Members
A heartwarming montage of military members surprising their loved ones at home.